It's a chance to get ahead of the game, a time to prepare your house for market listing, a way to discover potential problems before buyers arrive. Consider a pre listing inspection.
On average, we found $5,812 is lost to the home seller during negotiations simply because their home was ill-prepared. That's money lost. A simple investment in a pre listing inspection BEFORE you put your home on the market lets you address these troubled items and save yourself $$.
Every time you repair, disclose, remove or replace a defective component, you eliminate one more opportunity for a buyer to bring it to the negotiating table. Why not know about potential deficiencies BEFORE this? There will be less likelihood of surprises at the negotiating table and a smoother closing process.
Even a burned out light bulb can derail a sale. Believe it or not, when a buyer's home inspector discovers a light not working, it maybe as simple as a burned out bulb, but they have no way of knowing for sure. It could be a faulting electrical system hiding a fire hazard. Now, if you knew about this BEFORE you listed your home, you could have evaluated the problem, changed the light bulb, and if that didn't work, consulted an electrician to fix the problem properly. Voila! Problem solved and you saved yourself a big headache simply because of a Pre-Listing Inspection .
Let's say something is discovered at your Pre-Listing Inspection that you just don't have the time, energy, interest or money to fix. Now that you know about it, you can disclose to your buyer. That takes it off the negotiating table and expedites the closing process. That can be incredibly beneficial to you.
Pre-listing inspection identify obstructions that will prevent a buyer's home inspector from fully evaluating all parts of your home. Blocked utilities, sealed scuttles, decorative knickknacks, window treatments can all prevent your buyer's home inspector from fully evaluating the house. It is not unheard of for a buyer to demand a second inspection visit done at the seller's expense so these inaccessible areas can be reviewed. That costs you time and money, and makes everyone irritated. Know ahead of time what needs to be done to facilitate a expedient inspection by having your home inspected BEFORE it is listed.
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